We can provide your business premises or facade with a new and fresh coating in a professional wayMR Cladding Repair is your specialist for facade damage repair
Restyling, renovating and repainting our business premisses
Restyling of your business premisses:
- Corporate identity adjustments
- Industrial cleaning of weathered coating/paint and applying a new sustainable coating
- Refinishing overhead doors, wicket doors, fascia’s, facade parts, masonry walls, concrete walls, roof panels etc.
- Removal of loosening coating/ delaminating plastisol and applying a new coating
We are able to restyle your business premisses or facade in a professional way by providing a new, fresh and sustainable coating, for instance when you have decided to adjust or completely renew your corporate identity.
It’s also possible that old age or external factors like the weather, or for instance the salty air when you are situated by the coast, can cause a weathered coating.
The restyling of your business premisses not only provides a fresh appearance, most of the times it also improves the recognisability and value of our company.
We restyle:
- Sandwich panels/ ISO panels
- Metal profiles
- Corrugated plates
- Business premisses
- Multi-company buildings
- Weathered doors
- Weathered window frames
- Lofts
- Roof and facade cladding
We use a spread of high quality coating systems (for instance 2-component paint or water-based paint) in order to provide a fitting solution for any situation. This way we can meet all your wishes.
Refinishing the following objects:
- Rolling doors and wicket doors
- Flashing
- Garage doors
- Advertisement and lettering
- Stairs
- Awning
- Roof
Refinishing of existing plating of your business premisses is cheaper than a completely replating and the result is the same. Your business premisses will have a fresh appearance after the restyling.
We also renovate brick and concrete elements and other masonry facades. These walls will be restyles and refinished with high quality paint to guarantee it will last for years.
Our services
Roof and facade cladding
We will provide your business premises or facade with a new and fresh coating in a professional way
Sandwich panels
We are able to create colours on the jobsite so we will always meet your demands
Corrosion and rust
We can repair corrosion and rust in a professional way
Sometimes replacing cladding and flashing is the best option because repairing is not possible